A couple of interesting smaller projects this month. All roles are cisgender female. "Albert Cashier", at The Chicago Music Theatre Festival The Transcivility of Albert Cashier by Jay Paul Deratany Music & lyrics by Coyote Joe Stevens Directed by Keaton Wooden Tickets Link Perhaps the first documented female-to-male transgender American, Albert served for years in the Civil War, and then lived their entire life as a man. Only when hospitalized late in life was their secret revealed. I portray a sort of early 20th century Nurse Ratchet. Nice to play the baddie (now and then). ------------------------------ Note: this is very much a rehearsal-in-progress format. You sit right on stage with us as we work through the music and script, and participate in talk-backs after. Co.Ex.Ist for Collaboraction Peacebook CO.EX.IST devised by Danielle Littman and Diana Raiselis
Friday August 26 Saturday August 27 7 p.m. at Clarendon Park, 4501 N. Clarendon Tickets Link I'm performing in one of these several short works all about Chicago. "Littman and Raiselis are interviewing Uptown residents, business owners and workers with a central question: What does it mean for Uptown residents to coexist? The answers will be shaped into a hyper-local performance piece that touches on not only the neighborhood's concerns, but also its gifts, strengths and joys." Comments are closed.